Friday 7 August 2015

Must woman alienate man?

Man covets woman; it is in his blood.
Woman to him is hot food to humans.
Polygamy is man’s behavioural trait.
Man and woman are interdependent.

To desire woman is ingrained in man
At every chance, he’s out to test his luck
With woman, whose love for him is his worth.
Conquest of woman is man’s ego’s boost.

Woman can accept or reject his love.
If half decent, a man will understand
A woman’s frowns and withdraw from the scene.
To forget and forgive is woman’s grace.

He is a victim of proximity.
Having misread her, he might overstep.
His apology must gain the woman’s mercy.
To slap rape for that act puts men in scare.

He is a victim of temptresses.
Having compromised one’s dignity
For some advantages, if one slaps rape
On him later, it will put men in scare.

He is a victim of impulsiveness.
Having got consensual sex relations,
Expectations failing, if one slaps rape
In retrospect it will put men in scare.

Man is a victim of societies’ disbelief.
If someone slaps rape on her coach or boss
To settle her demand or any dispute,
The society’s belief puts men in scare.

The one who forces a woman for sex
By authority, threats or proximity
And one who exploit woman’s innocence,
Or helplessness must ruthlessly be dealt.

Allegations about sexual harassments,
Caught up by media and woman wings,
Will blow up faster out of proportion.
Such trends would trigger men to fear women.

Men have been put in utter confusion.
Men would be scared to have any women
As interns, trainees, maids or assistant
For fear of landing in jail by misuse.

Man’s comforts with woman must be preserved.


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